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Speak Easy... series


surgical plaster, bungee cords, metal hooks, resin pigment, glasswax, wax, vinyl prints, photocopies, speakers, vibration motor, wood, clay


This work is made in collaboration with vocalist Mohsen Masumi

at The Florence Trust, 2019

“Everything we understand about reality is understood solely through the context of language.”
Multiple sources

“Speak Easy...” is a series of works that investigate language as a structure of power. The casted objects of bodily and mechanical parts oscillate between bouncing, vibrating, balancing, stretching and pulling, thus reflecting a system of instability, powerful invisible forces, fragility and tension. 

As part of the work, we collaborated with opera singer Mohsen Masoumi to create a ‘singing sculpture’. He performed operatic interpretations of the nonsensical Lorem Ipsum text in response to the sculpture which acts a vessel to his voice.

“And our tongues have become
dry the wilderness has
dried out our tongues and
we have forgotten speech.”

Irena Klepfisz


Credits: Photography by Abel Shah

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